Port Kemba is a busy port with large ships coming in and out every day.
Steps to stay safe near seagoing ships
- Before heading out, check when ships are arriving or departing at the daily vessel movement schedules.
- Listen to the safety broadcasts from Port Kembla VTS (24/7).
- Port Kembla – VHF Channel 11
- Port Kembla – VHF Channel 11
- Determine if a ship is moving towards or away from you and act early so you can move away from these seagoing ships.
- Familiarise yourself with the shipping channels or fairways - don’t block or anchor in them.
- Always keep a safe distance away from a large vessel.
- From the ship’s bridge it is hard to see smaller boats. Some ships will have blind spots ahead of up to 600 metres. Stay far enough away to be in sight.
- Stay clear of shipping channels when seagoing ships are entering or departing the ports.
- Be aware of wakes of seagoing ships, particularly when the large vessel is in relatively shallow water and moving at higher speeds.
- Always have your navigation lights on at night so other vessels can clearly see you.
Download the Port Kembla shipping channel map
Download our safety notice brochure for all boat operators
Port Kembla shipping channel
Useful links: