Minimum Draught Requirements
Masters of vessels are required to have minimum draughts of 2% of LOA forward and 3% of LOA aft. The propeller should also be fully immersed.
In windy conditions it is prudent to have the vessel ballasted as deeply as possible.
Under Keel Clearance (UKC)
To allow for safe passage, the vessels transiting Port Kembla use the Dynamic Underkeel Clearance system (DUKC®) for determining depth of water under keel.
Affected vessels will be advised of their movement time based on these draft calculations as submitted in the pre-arrival/departure paperwork.
Alongside berth UKC requirements: vessels are required to have a minimum UKC of 0.6m in the Outer Harbour and 0.3m in the Inner Harbour at all times.
Berths and Channels
The latest Channel and Berth depths information can be found in a consolidated list on the Sydney page at this location.