Berths & Channels
For the latest information on berth dimensions and water depth at berths refer to the Berths and Channels (Sydney Harbour section).
The Port of Eden operates three berths for commercial shipping operations.
Allied Natural Wood Exports (ANWE) Woodchip Berth
A private wharf operated by Allied Natural Wood Exports Pty Ltd and located at Jews Head. Used principally for woodchips (however may be used for other bulk commodities).
It consists of a T head jetty with centre loading point and five mooring dolphins.
Vessels run mooring lines to a four buoy mooring pattern and must shift under the fixed bulk loading arm.
Principally used for the loading of woodchips for export.
- Max LOA: 235m
- Max draft: 11.3m
- Max DWT 100,000MT
- Min Freeboard: 8.5m
- Loading rate: 1,200 mt/hr
Access to the ANWE Woodchip berth is via Edrom Road.
Multi-Purpose (Navy) Wharf:
The Multi-Purpose (Navy) Wharf is located in East Boyd Bay. This wharf is used principally for logs, containers, general cargo and naval operations.
It is a modern, concrete decked wharf with a face length of 200m and width of 30m.
The wharf is licensed to handle Class 1 Dangerous Goods (explosives).
A hard stand storage yard of 8 hectares is located nearby.
Principally used for Naval operations and the loading of logs for export.
- Max LOA: 185m
- Max draft: 10.5m
- Max DWT 35,000MT
Access to the MPW is via Edrom Rd and William Allen drive.
Break Water Wharf
Located in Snug Cove. Suitable for smaller ships and principally used by fishing vessels and anchor handing tug supply (AHTS) vessels for general cargo and bunkering.
The Break Water Wharf is a fenced, concrete wharf with a length 105m.
At the outer end the water has a depth of 8.5m and 3m at the inner end.
This wharf is principally used for fishing and general cargo
Max draft is dependent upon the ship’s LOA. Contact the Harbour Master for specific advice.
Access to the Break Water Wharf is via Imlay Road.
Eden Cruise Wharf Information
- Max Displacement: 70,000mt
- Max LOA: 325m
- Max beam: 50.0m
- Max draft: 9.5m
Length of berth structure: 103m
Berth depth: Dredged depth 10.5m
Specific gravity: 1025
Docking side: Starboard side alongside
Max air draft from waterline: n/a
Berth deck height from chart datum: 3.2m