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Port of Eden

Drafts and Underkeel Clearance

Maximum Drafts

Under Keel Clearance

The maximum draft of any vessel moving within the navigational channels of the Port shall be such that the under-keel clearance is not less than 10% of the vessel’s deepest draft.

The maximum permitted drafts at a berth are detailed in the table below. Due to the presence of swell at the berths, the under keel clearances required are greater than that which can be tolerated at sheltered water berths.

Maximum Draft
Wood-Chip Berth 11.3m  
Multipurpose Wharf 10.5m  
Break-Water Wharf A minimum UKC of 0.6m must be maintained at all times

Taking consideration of the vessel’s LOA and the lowest, low water during the vessel’s stay, the Harbour Master will advise the maximum permissible fwd and aft draft.


For latest information regarding Drafts please refer to the Harbour Masters Directions.

Promulgated Depths

Latest depth information will be promulgated and published in the Harbour Masters Directions annually or via a Notices to Mariners if changes occur.