Information for recreational boaters
Sydney Harbour & Port Botany
Look Out Ships About
Sydney Harbour is getting busier every year and ships coming to our shores are getting bigger.
If you’re a recreational boater you should take care and remember to look out, ships about.
Before you head out make sure you check the daily vessel movement schedules and listen to the safety broadcasts
Sydney Harbour - Channel 13
Botany Bay - Channel 12
Sydney Harbour Vessel Movements
Port Botany Vessel Movements
Steps to stay safe near seagoing ships
- Listen to the safety broadcasts from the 24/7 Vessel Traffic Services centre (Sydney VTS).
- Sydney Harbour - Channel 13
- Botany Bay - Channel 12
- Always keep a lookout for seagoing ships.
- Determine if the vessel is moving towards you or away from you.
- Always keep a safe distance away from a large vessel.
- Act early so you can move away from these seagoing ships.
- Familiarise yourself with the shipping channels or fairways.
- Stay clear of the channels or fairways when seagoing ships are entering or departing the ports.
- Be aware of wakes of seagoing ships, particularly when the large vessel is in a relatively shallow water and moving at higher speeds.
- Always have your navigation lights on at night so other vessels can clearly see you.
Monitor Vessel Traffic Services (Sydney VTS)
Monitor Vessel Traffic Services (Sydney VTS)