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31/07/2019 09:45 AM

International Maritime Organisation visits Port Authority of NSW - Newcastle.

The United Nations agency comes to Newcastle to learn more about the benefits of Port Authority's Vessel Arrival System.

Port Authority's Vessel Arrival System (VAS) in Newcastle was the centre of international attention following a request by International Maritime Organisation Secretary General Katack Lim to see it in action.

The system, introduced in Newcastle in 2010 and the first of its kind in the world, reduces the need for vessels to queue off the coast of Newcastle by allocating anchoring times ahead of estimated arrivals and enables vessels to optimise speed so they arrive just in time for their allocated entry into port,  improving port safety and voyage efficiency while reducing vessel emissions.

Group shotImage: The group enjoying their visit to Port Authority's Newcastle team

The IMO was interested to see the arrival system in action as it uses a process similar to one being currently discussed at a global industry working group in Europe on ‘just in time delivery’. 

Port Authority presented information about the Vessel Arrival System to Mr Lim along with City of Newcastle Councillor Cr Peta Winney Baartz, Port of Newcastle CEO Craig Carmody, Australian Maritime Safety Association CEO Mick Kinley and Grant Gilfillan, CEO Port Authority of New South Wales, on Wednesday 31 July 2019.

Newcastle's VAS was designed following the grounding of the Pasha Bulker in June 2007, which led to the investigation and review of ship queue management processes.

Image: Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary General being shown Newcastle Harbour

The Vessel Arrival System was developed after detailed consultation with Australian Coal Shippers, local Coal Terminals, Japanese Shipping Companies, Japanese Power Utilities, Japanese Steel Mills, South Korean and Taiwanese shipping industries. The system was trialled in early 2010 and it was fully implemented in June 2010

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