Berths and Facilities
Newcastle Harbour is one of Australia's most diverse regional ports and one of the world's largest coal export ports. With about 2000 ship visits (or 4600 ship movements) per year and up to 23 vessel movements within a 24 hour period, the port provides major economic benefit to the city, the region and the State of NSW.
Infrastructure within the port can handle all types of cargo including dry bulk, bulk liquids, break bulk, project and containers as well as passenger cruise ships. This infrastructure includes coal terminals operated by Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) and Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group (NCIG), bulk liquid terminal for vegetable oils, agri-food storage and loading, local and national road and rail access and storage sheds adjacent to berths.
Newcastle Harbour is a critical supply chain interface for the movement of cargo and includes 20 operational berths, 11 of which are allocated to handling a range of cargoes and nine dedicated to the handling of coal.
Berths in Newcastle Harbour are managed by Port of Newcastle Operations Pty Ltd (PON). For more information on shipping and operations in Newcastle Harbour, go to Port of Newcastle - Shipping and Operations.
For an aerial map of Newcastle Harbour click here.